Jericho’s Board of Education 学区教育委员会成员 (Pictured L-R 照片从左至右):
Trustee (学区委员), Pam Wasserman-Heath
Vice President(副主席), Jill Citron
President(主席), William Ferro
Trustee(学区委员), Daborah Lee
Trustee(学区委员), Barbara Krieger
The Jericho School District is governed by a five member Board of Education, elected by district voters to serve without salary. Each member serves for a term of three years and may run for re-election.
Jericho学区教育委员会由五名成员组成,负责管理整个学区事务。学区委员由地方选民直接选出,没有薪水。每名成员任期三年, 可申请连任。
Roles and responsibilities of the Board include:
* Establishing a vision and setting long term goals for the district
* Adopting a budget that reflects and supports district goals
* Developing policy and taking action as required by law
* Advocating for all children in the district
* Assuring the effective administration of the district
* 为整个学区确立发展远景和长期发展目标
* 调整和采纳符合学区发展方向的财务预算
* 制定和执行符合法律法规的学区政策
* 为学区内所有的学生服务
* 确保学区行政方面的有效管理
Regular monthly School Board meetings are scheduled throughout the year. Residents are invited to attend Board meetings, which often feature presentations of educational programs and activities. Monthly board meetings and work sessions are open to the public.
学区教育委员会每月定期举行会议,并且邀请学区居民参加。这些会议通常会介绍学校里采用的各种教育方案和活动。教育委员会的每月例会(Mongthly board meeting) 和工作会议 (work sessions)都是公开的。
Executive sessions are closed meetings and are typically reserved for the board to discuss personnel, legal, and real estate matters. Procedures for public participation at Board meetings are available at the meetings.
行政会议(Executive sessions) 是不公开的,通常用于讨论涉及个人事务,法律事务,合同及房产等事务。教育委员会为公众提供参与讨论的机会。
Workshop 要点记录:
- 公开会议 (public meeting): 所有学区委员会的投票和决议都是在公开会议上进行的。这是了解和参与学区运作方式的最好机会。
- 工作会议 (work session): 也是公开进行的。主要是学区委员会在投票和决议前所做的讨论。这个阶段不会进行任何投票或产生任何决议。工作会议通常在教育委员会会议室进行。
- 行政会议 (executive session): 法律规定, 这种行政会议不能公开进行,通常用于讨论个人事务,法律法规,以及房地产事务。
教师/工作人员 => 助理校长/校长/课程主管 => 副学监 => 学监 => 最后上诉到学区教育委员会。
学区教育委员会的电子信箱: [email protected]