10月24日PTA举办的家长大学中,主管学区教育和课程安排的副总监Barbara Bauer,带领7位学科教研室主任和家长见面。
Barbara Bauer (学区教育副总监)
Curriculum Associates are each masters of their disciplines. They help teachers discover the richness in the various curricula as well as an array of meaningful strategies that ensure students become independent learners, critical thinkers and problem solvers.
Curriculum Associates provide K – 12 leadership and support. They empower teachers to make instructional decisions through research-based educational practices and extensive data analysis. Curriculum Associates plan and implement professional workshops and in-service coursework for teachers at every grade level. Through their expertise and vision, they encourage and pro- mote success for every student.
Barbara 发言记录:
- 各个学科的教研室主任,负责本学科从幼稚园到12年级课程的设立和安排。教研室主任参照纽约州教育局的指导大纲,安排各个学年各个阶段的教学要点,制定评估学生是否掌握教学要点的方式,与年级老师合作,选择课堂教材和网络辅助教学资源。
- 针对学生参加的各类评估考试,教研室主任负责总结分析评估结果,帮助学生进一步提高。
- 和校长合作,听取校长的建议,结合该校具体情况,设立适合该学校的课程。
- 评估本学科教师的教学质量,帮助提高教学水平。教研室主任通常也是教师培训班主讲人,注重培训新教师,也辅助有经验的教师更上一层楼。教研室主任帮助每位教师设立个人化目标,经常去各个班级听课,为教师提出建议。
- 负责筛选推荐新教师,然后由聘用委员会决定是否录用。
- 负责向学区公众宣传展示本学科所采用的教学方法和评估方式。
Kathryn Behr (Fine and Performing Arts音乐艺术教研室主任) The Fine and Performing Arts departments are committed to connecting with the community through performance and exhibition opportunities for students at Board of Education Meetings, the Jericho Public Library, P.E.A.K., Cookies & Canvas, and Tri-M Music Honor Society and Nation- al Art Honor Society service organization initiatives.
Throughout the school year, teachers will have opportunities to participate in discipline-specific professional development through the New York State Council of Administrators for Music Education and the Art Supervisors Association workshop series. Music and art faculty are participating in the first year of the New York State Learning Standards for the Arts roll out. Both departments are using Canvas ePortfolios to com- municate student and faculty information to enhance vertical and horizontal program alignment. New department initiatives including jazz instruction as a pilot program in the eighth-grade band, expansion of the Music Theory program at the high school level , and proposing AP Music Theory as a new course in 2018-2019.
John Mankowich (Physical Education and Health 体育和健康教研室主任) Within the realm of the Physical Education Department, we have created curricula that foster an understanding of leading a healthy and active life- style. Curriculum is evaluated for relevance to ensure we are meeting departmental and district goals each year. Our major focus over the last year has been to incorporate numerous aspects of Mindfulness practices within our lessons. We are exploring adding a stand alone Yoga course as an additional High School elective course for the 2018-2019 school year.
The Middle and High School Health Education programs continue to provide our students with comprehensive health knowledge and skills in de- velopmentally appropriate ways. Our teachers seek to prepare and empower students to value and engage in lifelong healthy lifestyles which will enable them to reach their fullest potential and assure that they become productive, responsible citizens.
Dr. Eric Sundberg (Social Studies, Business, and Libraries 社会科学,商业及图书馆教研室主任)
Social Studies
Elementary School
Students have ongoing opportunities to investigate and engage in questions about history, civics, geography and economics. They are learning to evaluate and challenge informational sources.
Middle School
National History Day research projects are created by all 7th and 8th grade students.
High School
There is an increased emphasis on inquiry-based instruction, ensuring students have opportunities to develop and refine questions that bring them to a fuller appreciation of the content and skills in the so- cial studies standards.
Business Education
This program has become reinvigorated and more girls are taking business classes. New Course: Fashion and Retail Marketing
Brought back Virtual Enterprise.
Libraries, K-12
We are developing a public, easy-to-reference information literacy/research curriclum in collabora- tion with librarians and classroom teachers and guaranteed to all stdents.
Dr. Daniel Salzman (English Language Arts 英语教研室主任) The English department’s curriculum lends itself to thematic units and activities which readily align themselves in terms of the district goal of social and emotional learning. The English department fosters the ability for all students to be able to effectively communicate ideas through both traditional and contemporary modes of communications. Students are in- structed in oral articulation, written language, and electronic communica- tions. The English department’s focus on the power of language prepares students for higher academia, the business world, private communications, and daily life.
Jericho kindergarten through fifth grade classroom teachers are participating in professional development workshops focused on Teachers College Reading and Writing Project. We continue to provide district-wide guest author presentations for
kindergarten and fifth grade at the Jericho Public Library. English language arts teachers at the mid- dle and high school infuse educational technology to facilitate collaboration, communication, crea- tivity, and critical thinking (e.g. digital writing portfolios, web-based argumentative writing, and Google Suite for project-based learning). We continue to research and implement dynamic/flexible learning spaces for teaching and learning.
New Courses; AP Seminar, Public Speaking (Intro and College level)
Brian Cummings (Science and Technology 科学和技术教研室主任)
We have begun the implementation of the Next York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS), incorporating the Three Dimensional Learning of Disciplinary Core Ideas, Crosscutting Concepts and Science and Engineering Practices.
Elementary School: The Disciplinary Core Ideas have been implemented in kindergarten and first grade. All students experience hands on learning enriched through engineering and technology. The textbook series Interactive Science has been introduced in the 6th grade and will be used to implement the new standards.
High School: Increased emphasis on inquiry based labs, understanding phenomena in the natural and designed world and deeper learning gives students an opportunity to make connections in the curricula. Science Research, Forensics, Science Olympiad, and Anatomy and Physiology are elective opportunities for our students.
Technology Education: Through the concept of Design-Build philosophy; 3D printers, CNC machines and laser engravers have been added to a curriculum that offers students an opportunity to create anything they can imag- ine or design. Project Lead the Way courses are offered in the High School giving students an engi- neering background that will prepare them for college and career readiness. New Courses: Video III and IV, Robotics
Helene Kriegstein (Mathermatics 数学教研室主任)
Elementary School: Math in Focus is a resource for teachers and students as they study mathe- matics from a concrete, pictorial, and abstract perspective. Teachers are analyzing assessments and leveling questions as a way to better communi- cate students’ performance levels to parents. These performance levels (1 – 4) align with the district report cards.
Middle School: Think Through Math is a resource for students and teachers to track progress in middle school math pathways. Students who enjoy math competitions can participate in Math Olympiads (grade 6), Mathletes (grades 7 & 8), and MATHCOUNTS (grades 6 – 8).
High School: Computer programming is an area which is expanding in the high school. Effective in the 2017-2018 school year, we have Advanced Computer Programming as well as a computer programming club. Advanced Placement Computer Principles will be a high school course proposed for the 2018-2019
Dr. Elaine Margarita (World Languages, Family and Consumer Sciences 外语,家政及消费科学教研室主任)
World Languages
Elementary School: World Readiness Standards are used to revise and update our elemen- tary report cards. The focus in World Languages at this level is inter- personal (one-on-one), interpretive (reading/listening), and presenta- tional skills. Multicultural literature is also explored.
Middle School: Integrated Performance Assessments (IPAs) are focused on cultural understanding. Students are developing 21st Century Skills through service learning projects, an established exchange program with Quebec, and literacy through authentic text and short novels.
High School: Proficiency levels for students are determined through developing intercultural skills based on World Readiness Standards, performance assessments and maintaining exchange programs for China and Spain. We are currently developing programs for Italy and France.
Family and Consumer Science
Money Management is studied using authentic resources. Students participate in advanced sewing projects as well as thematic/cross curricular projects.